Supply Chain Management

Our supplier management solutions, are the key to optimized procurement and sustainable supplier relationships.

We support you in critical phases of industrialization, in the event of capacity bottlenecks or to bridge vacancies.

An overview of the core services:.

Risk Management

Risk analysis allows you to identify potential risks early, and take measures to protect and secure your supply chain.

With direct on-site visits, we also give you a real insight into your suppliers with a focus on YOUR product(s).

Performance Evaluation

Through regular assessments, we maintain the high quality of your suppliers, and help You continually find and retain the best partners for your business.

We also provide you with an independent view of your preliminary product with regular checks of important parameters (OEE, KPI, etc.).

Supply Chain Due Diligence

The law on corporate due diligence in supply chains (“Supply Chain Due Diligence Act” or “Supply Chain Act” for short) came into law on January 1, 2023 and places new requirements on companies.

At the same time, an even stricter law is already emerging at the EU level. We actively support you in complying with statutory (EU & Federal Republic of Germany) laws, both at the requestor and supplier level

Deadline Monitoring and Quality Control

The on-time delivery of critical Projects, Products, Goods, Production Equipment, etc., provided via complex international supply chain Partners, are essential parameters for your production.

As your Schedule Monitoring Partner, we are your “eyes and ears” working with every Partner in your supply chain, to keep you on schedule.

Carbon Foot Print

In our world from today and tomorrow, where sustainability is no longer a choice but a necessity, businesses are increasingly prioritizing sustainable practices to meet the demands of environmentally conscious consumers, comply with regulations, reduce costs, and create a positive societal impact.

We will help you to startup your Company in the new Age of Product Carbon Footprint and Guide you and your Team through Scope 1,2 and 3.